
The Open Graph (“OG”) title has one specific purpose.  When you share that particular page with the OG title in social networks, other than Twitter, this is the title that shows in the social post.  It started with just Facebook.  That is why they...

Each image tag allows for an alt name tag that should be optimized for SEO.  The wording in this alt tag will be used by Google Crawlers to help determine search placement in the Google image search.  Originally the alt tags in images were great...

Building Backlinks on Meetup and Eventbrite While Covid-19 set back events significantly, I’ve always used my Meetup and Eventbrite web pages as one of the strongest backlink pages I can control. I would look at Meetup and Eventbrite somewhat as Social Media - like systems.  Yes,...

Building Quality BackLinks By Attending Conferences I used to be a speaker at several industry conferences such as Idate or DMA Marketing.  When you sign up as a speaker you get a few benefits including free conference attendance.  From an SEO point of view, getting a...

Building Backlinks on Youtube or Vimeo. Youtube totally allows links in its description.  I have put tons of links on Youtube pages in the past.  So should you. It is one of those backlink giveaways by Google you should take advantage of.  In fact, multiple videos,...

Building Quality BackLinks Through HARO (Help A Reporter Out)  If you are new to HARO, and you are trying to backlink build, it is one of the rare but hard ways to get a great backlink.  I have used HARO to get backlinks from Forbes and...

Building BackLinks Through Guest Posts On Blogs This is such a specialty.  I recently ran into a company that just helps find blog articles that will post a link back to your website.  It is a paid service.  In fact, I don’t see guest blog posting...

Building BackLinks on Free Article/Blog Sites Like Medium SEO This is pretty standard old-time stuff. Think of Google as a directory, just the biggest one out there.  That means you need to be on at least on the Microsoft Bing Search Engine “directory”. Every link is...