Anchor Tags <a href tagging> This is the HTML that creates links to internal spots for the Google Crawler to identify and click around to.  So you can have an anchor that sends your visitor with a click from the bottom to the top of the...

Optimizing the HREF URLs When you look at HREF URLS the url itself can be either a full URL or what we call Relative.  Relative means “/page-name/”.  Non-relative links are like But remember Google crawls this page and every piece of this URL and tags...

Valuable Header Tags, H1,H2,H3,H4,H5 Since Google became the dominant search engine, these basic HTML tags have been used to help Google determine the importance of that content on the, and that page in the search results.  It used to have a much more important role in...

Keyword Repetition Optimization This is optimization by way of repeating the main keywords within a page about 2 times per paragraph and about 4 times per page or blog article.  This needs to be optimized by the size of the entire page.  If you have 3...

Image Alt Tags Image alt tags provide “alternative” text for elements like images and links.  Most website builders and web agencies ignore alt image tags because it takes time and energy to fill them in and the website building game is about reducing time and energy,...

Valuable Header Tags, H1,H2,H3,H4,H5 Since Google became the dominant search engine, these basic HTML tags have been used to help Google determine the importance of that content on the, and that page in the search results.  It used to have a much more important role in...

Canonical Tag This is a special tag that tells Google if this page is the primary page to crawl or if it is a copy of another page.  It is more important than people really understand, as it can determine if Google should ignore the page....

Meta Description Word Optimization Moving around your keywords to get the best ones in the front of the meta description is important. Taking some hidden words at the end of the description and moving them up to front can be important.  Also, consider adjectives like “Best”...

Longitud de la meta descripción Por SEO Es importante utilizar todos los caracteres permitidos por Google en los resultados de búsqueda. El máximo de visibilidad ahora es de 152 caracteres para escritorio y 120 para búsquedas móviles. A menudo experimento con Yoast para encontrar una longitud...