07 Aug Using extended director naming and permalinks for SEO
Using extended director naming and permalinks for SEO
A well-known little hack is name key directories used by the website you are working on to have more SEO in the permalinks than normal. Typically directories would have names like /about/ or /contact/ or something very generic. I know that Google uses these url/permalinks content as important for Google Searches. The reason I know it is important is Google will highlight these URLS in the search result pages. The only reason not to change all these permalinks would be visitors being confused by extra-long directory names. However, those days are long gone. Users on smartphones hardly ever see URLs today. Therefore, if the URL instead of being /about/ was /about-medical-malpractice-in-boca-raton/ it generally would not impact users at all, but will get the intended SEO in the link. This applies to both directories and file names, including html, images, and even other file names, especially a PDF or something that gets indexed!
This excerpt is from 113 Guerilla Marketing Techniques, Actional Tips, Tricks and SEO Hacks by Dan Gudema of SEO Turbo Booster.